
Great food at the speed of your business

Buttermilk Banana Nut Bread

Menu Information

  • Ovens: MXP5221T, MXP5221TLT
  • Status: Raw
  • Quantity: 454g raw dough
  • Accessory: 1.1L Loaf glass container (155x100x70mm)
  • Start Temp: Room Temp 18-23°C
  • Oven Temp: 180°C


3 ripe bananas 113g (1/2 cup) butter (softened) 193g (1 cup) sugar 4 Tbsp buttermilk 1 tsp soda 2 eggs 240g (2 cups) flour 55g (1/2 cup) chopped pecans 1/8 tsp salt


Stage 1

  • Time: 8:00
  • Microwave Power: 30%
  • Fan Speed: 0%
  • 70%


1. Cream butter and sugar 2. Add bananas and mix well. Next add eggs and continue mixing. 3. Add soda that has been dissolved in buttermilk. 4. Finally, add flour and salt and fold in nuts. 5. Grease loaf pan before adding the batter.