
Great food at the speed of your business

Flat Bread Vegetarian Pizza

Menu Information

  • Ovens: AXP22T, AXP22TLT, MXP22T, MXP22TLT
  • Status: Pre-baked bread
  • Quantity: 5 oz
  • Accessory: Pizza stone
  • Start Temp: Refrigerated 35-40°F
  • Oven Temp: 520°F
Flat Bread Vegetarian Pizza


5 oz Naan loaf 3 oz Mozzarella Cheese 2 Tbsp infused oil 1.5 oz mixed greens .5 oz sliced mushrooms .5 oz sliced red onion .5 oz sliced red pepper .5 oz sliced red tomato


Stage 1

  • Time: 1:10
  • Microwave Power: 20%
  • Fan Speed: 20%
  • 100%

Stage 2

  • Time: 0:20
  • Microwave Power: 20%
  • Fan Speed: 40%
  • 100%


1. Brush Naan with infused oil (herb). 2. Top with mixed greens, vegetables, and cheese. 3. Place pizza on pizza stone and cook.