
Great food at the speed of your business

Scottish BBQ Salmon

Menu Information

  • Ovens: ACE19N, ACE19V, JET19, JET19V, JET5192, JET519V2
  • Manufacture: N/A
  • Quantity: 7 oz. (280 g)
  • Accessory: 1/4 sheet pan
  • Start Temp: 35-40°F (3-6°C)
  • Oven Temp: 475°F (250°C)


Stage 1

  • Time: 1:50
  • Microwave Power: 40%

Stage 2

  • Time: 0:50
  • Microwave Power: 30%


Drizzle salmon with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper before baking.