
Great food at the speed of your business

Scrambled Eggs with Sausage

Menu Information

  • Ovens: AXP22T, AXP22TLT, MXP22T, MXP22TLT
  • Status: Raw
  • Manufacture: Country Gold #10164, Farmland #702471388174
  • Quantity: 4.2 oz
  • Accessory: Ceramic dish
  • Start Temp: Refrigerated 35-40°F
  • Oven Temp: 520°F


4 oz eggs 1 Tbsp diced sausage patty 1/8 tsp salt 1/8 tsp black pepper


Stage 1

  • Time: 0:35
  • Microwave Power: 100%
  • Fan Speed: 0%
  • 100%


1. Mix all ingredients together and place in a porcelain sprayed with oil.